Meet our new available geckos.


Fashionable geckos made in small batches.

Eddie Close-Up

Our passion for Crested Geckos began about 15 years ago when my daughter fell in love with Jumpers at the local pet store.  He became a favorite part of our family, and we have had a small collection until recently.  This has grown to a small business that is focused on developing Crested Geckos that exhibit specific traits as we refine them into consistent lines. While we are working on several lines, we have a specific focus on quad-stripes, whitewalls, full pinstripes, and bi-color super dalmatians.

Crested Geckos are amazing pets and incredibly easy to take care of.  They can be housed at regular home temperatures with very little care needed.  Great food products like Pangea Gecko Diet are readily available, and diets can be supplemented with insects like crickets.